Rise and Shine partners in 2024
Recruit talented and ambitious employees
1) Who we are?
- We are a self-development conference for students that brings together talented and motivated students of technical fields – IT, chemistry, engineering, materials, mathematics, physics or economics.
- With these students, we share know-how on how to successfully manage school and prepare for a future profession.
3) What do we offer you?
- Help cover the cost of the conference so we can set up a pricing policy in student options. University students make up the largest part of conference visitors.
- use of your services, barter or participation in the conference program through a lecture, workshop or stand directly
4) Why to cooperate with us?
- Human capital is the most important resource of every company
- Already a 11th year of the best conferences
- We have already cooperated with more than 20 different companies from IT, engineering, logistics, education etc.
2) What we offer?
- promoting your events
- participation in the form of direct participation of your organization in the form of a stand and roll-up in the lobby + a short 2-minute presentation in the main program
- participation in regular networking, workshops and inspirational meetings
- až 5x volný vstup pro Vaše kolegy po registraci
- up to 5 free entries for your colleagues after registration
- partner designation on the Rise and Shine website
- to be part of a great project, which includes, for example, Adéla Banášová or Jan Muhlfeit
5) Who will be in contact with you?
- Ing. Pavel FILIP
- Co-founder of the Rise and Shine platform
- pavel@riseandshine.cz
- +420 603 568 618
- Or send us a message Facebook Rise and Shine
If you want to be in touch with motivated students, click the button below and write to us
Thank you very much for our Rise and Shine partners 2024!